Sick Child Policy


Under no circumstances may a parent bring a sick child to school. If a child shows any signs of illness or is unable to participate in the normal routine of the school day, parents will be called to pick the child up from school. Sick children who come to school will expose all children and staff members and the exposure then multiplies exponentially.

In the event a child becomes ill and needs to be picked up, the parent(s) will be called and are expected to come pick the child up within one hour (60 minutes). If the parent(s) cannot be reached, or have not arrived within an hour, the emergency contact person will be called and asked to come pick the child up. Our goal is to limit exposure to other children.


Symptoms requiring removal of child from school



When can my child return to school?

                        Your child must be free of the following symptoms or illnesses for 24 hours - without the aid of medication - before returning to school. The parent(s) must send a note stating their child is symptom free upon the childÕs return.